Traumatic Illness in Idaho Falls

Experiencing an overwhelming and life-threatening event can leave you with long-lasting symptoms well after the incident is over. Symptoms such as hyper-vigilance, nightmares, sleep problems, and constant flashbacks can take over your life leaving you helpless and guilty.
But you should always remember that no matter the circumstances you are facing, you can get past your problems by seeking professional counseling.

Answers LLC offers the best and most effective traumatic illness treatment services in Idaho Falls. We provide cutting-edge therapy for a variety of trauma disorders including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Acute Distress Disorder (ADD), Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Adjustment Disorders, and other unspecified trauma-related illnesses

traumatic illness
We are committed to providing you with expert assessment and recovery plans to help you reclaim the capacity to move forward with your life.

Benefits of Our Trauma Counseling Services For Traumatic Illness

Listed below are several ways that counseling benefits individuals:

Trauma-focused Treatment

Our expert therapists use different strategies to address memories and emotions associated with the traumatic experience in a way that’s sensitive and unique to your experience.

Identifying Triggers

Trauma counseling helps you to recognize the experiences and feelings associated with triggers and how best to adjust over time.

Decreased Traumatic Symptoms

Attending therapy helps you to develop actionable skills that you can use to combat intrusive traumatic symptoms such as nightmares and flashbacks to improve your quality of life.

Developing Coping Skills

Counseling helps you to discover skills and coping strategies to help you respond better to triggers associated with a traumatic event. Relaxation and anxiety management are some of the common techniques that help to build resilience toward full recovery.

Re-establishing Safety

Through trauma-focused specific activities and discussions, you re-develop your emotional, psychological, and physical sense of safety which plays a vital role in recovery.

These are just a few of the many ways that counseling can help one to live a better, more satisfying life. Through counseling, you can learn to gather new skills, overcome your fears, and achieve your greatest potential. While some people may be scornful of counseling, it is actually a step in the right direction that can seriously change your life in a wonderful way! For more information about counseling & therapy, visit our frequently asked questions page. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you feel your trauma is affecting your relationships and overtaking your daily routine that you no longer feel in control, it may be time to see a trauma counselor.
In trauma counseling, you’re in charge and you decide what to disclose. What you need to know is that your therapist is well-trained to help you heal without you having to relive the experience.
There is no definitive time for our trauma counseling services. Keeping in mind that counseling is not a quick process, we strive to make an individualized treatment plan and include a timeline that helps you achieve your recovery goals.
Call us at (208) 552-0855 or email us at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us for Effective Trauma Counseling Services in Idaho Falls

The aftermath of a traumatic experience may leave you stuck with frightening symptoms that increasingly become difficult to overcome. But there is hope.

Call our trauma counselors at Answers LLC for individualized therapy sessions to help you heal and reclaim your sense of self-love and normalcy.
Contact us today to get started.