Downtown Idaho Falls Revival

If you have been downtown lately, you may have noticed that there’s a lot of construction happening right now. Answers LLC, a mental health counseling center in downtown Idaho Falls is in the midst of it all. Because of this, we want to let everyone know what to expect in the near future of Downtown Idaho Falls.

Across the United States, many downtowns have been experiencing a renaissance, or have had great plans for, renovations of beautiful old historic buildings as well as a revival of art, music, local theater, museums, and more. Downtown Idaho Falls is no exception. Local residents are happy to see revitalizations going on that will continue to preserve the reminders of long-ago history and glimpses into what life was like in days gone by.

historical downtown idaho falls

Major Renovations Happening Right Now and Future Plans for Revival:

Bonneville Hotel/Apartments

Located at 410 Constitution Way, what was the Old Hotel and then the Bonneville Apartments surprisingly had a sturdy concrete frame foundation when developers cleared out the five-story historic building to make way for the new Bonneville Apartments, with 35 affordable housing units and with space for three commercial tenants on its ground floor.

The Bonneville Hotel, which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, had been constructed in 1926-1927 at a cost of $335,000 by a corporation of 421 local citizens to give the city a first-class Italian Renaissance hotel with convention facilities. The more current apartments’ low-income residents were relocated. Most of the new units will again be rented exclusively to low-income tenants, but everything will be completely brand new.

Idaho Falls Water Tower

The landmark red, white and blue steel water tower has overlooked the city since 1937. It will likely be replaced by 2024 and will supply water that will double the current volume of about 500,000 gallons, to about a million. The new location needs to be close to the current tower that sits directly over the well that supplies the city water. Although the replacement cost is $6.5 million, no bond or tax money will be required because the money is being produced through water fees and rates.

Downtown Event Center

Shortened and known as “DEC,” the Downtown Event Center brings nightlife to Idaho Falls. The spot at 480 Park Avenue hadn’t been occupied for the past 20 years and had been a small mall. Beginning in October 2017, the owners began the backbreaking work of removing several layers of walls, three ceilings, hanging ceilings with other ceilings on top of that, and other roadblocks that took a year and a half. When the DEC opened in January of 2019, it contained 5,000 square feet of available space and can accommodate as many as 325 people. The front glass windows can be pulled open to give the feeling of being on a deck.

More Historical Buildings Being Renovated in Downtown Idaho Falls:

The HASBROUCK BUILDING, which is the best remaining stone building that comprised most of the commercial center at the turn of the century.

The SHANE BUILDING, an outstanding example of terra cotta with Renaissance Revival that was constructed in 1915 with a main entrance surrounded by a entablature with a heraldic shield and lion heads.

The IDAHO FALLS CITY BUILDING built during 1929 and 1930. It is an example of Beaux Arts architecture with an unaltered exterior and a lobby that retains distinctive tiles and decorative detail.


Downtown Idaho Falls is a superb area to explore and enjoy as you get a “taste” of going back in time to bygone days. The new and redeveloped construction is meant to be the real success of the downtown section as people will be able to work, play, and live right in the area.

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