back to school

Back To School in 2020 Resource Guide

Summer is almost over, leaves are turning, and it’s time for kids to go back to school.

Sounds great, right? Well sort of… 

What To Expect

This time of year usually launches feelings of excitement and anticipation into the air. However this year, fear and anxiety are likely plaguing the minds of teachers, students and parents alike. 

How We Can Help

Fortunately, You and your children don’t have to go through the challenges of starting this new school year alone. If you or your child is feeling stressed or anxious about the upcoming school year, it can be helpful to talk to someone. 

Answers offers counseling and other mental health services that can be helpful in releasing the stress and anxiety you might be feeling as well as providing guidance through the ever changing back to school season. Our team of professionals are here to listen and help you cultivate solutions that will put your mind at ease. 

The nationwide shutdowns and restrictions because of COVID-19 have left us all in a state of limbo, unsure of what the future holds. There is a lot of talk about how schools in the area are going to proceed come this fall. To add to the confusion and panic, there are a lot of last minute changes being made around how they will go about reopening the public schools and all the little details that follow. 

District Resources & Links

To make things a little easier for you, Answers has compiled helpful resources with information from school districts around the Idaho Falls area regarding COVID-19 and the upcoming school year. 

Because of all the last minute changes happening, be sure to continue checking this resource page for the most up to date information. 

Most school districts in Southeast Idaho already have safety and health protocols set up to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and keep their environment safe. 

They have color coded each risk scenario (see below) to make things as simple as possible. 

school risk protocol

Check back as we will be updating the current protocol in place for each district.  


Idaho Falls School District #91


Bonneville Joint District #93


Shelley District #60


Jefferson Joint District #251


Ririe School District #252